So... here we are, just a few days shy of our second trimester! We've known of our new baby for about a month and a half now and it has obviously been the center of discussions and decisions ever since. Fortunately, the morning sickness bug really hasn't struck at our house (at least not Carolyn), and believe me, I asked her... a lot. At the moment, though, I seem to be playing a lot of the waiting game. Initially, it was the excitement and waiting to tell family and friends. And waiting for the first Dr's visit. And seeing that first heartbeat. Then we sprung into action and cleaned out the soon to be nursery. We moved bookshelves, disassembled and reassembled the desk, rearranged wall hangings. We were left with what you see in the picture, a room in waiting. But now what? We wait. Wait for the next doctor's appointment, we wait to find out if its a boy or girl, wait to find out what color to paint the nursery...wait...wait...wait. This is like waking up Christmas morning and opening presents as a child but not being able to play with them for 9 months! Sure, I have other projects to work on, and as the weather warms up I will be able to work on them, and between now and then I'll do lots of reading, but I will also be doing more preparing, and more waiting. I guess this is lesson #1 of many to come. Patience.